Salvo – artistic name for Salvatore Mangione – was born in Leonforte, in the province of Enna, in 1947. At 9 he moved to Turin, which would become his adopted city. He began painting at a very young age and in the early sixties, he kept selling portraits, copies of Van Gogh, Rembrandt and landscapes. In 1968 he left for Paris, involved in the climate of change and student fervor. On his return, he frequented the artistic environments of Arte Povera which referred to the Sperone gallery. He became a close friend of Boetti, then he met Pistoletto, Merz, Zorio and hung around critics such as Celant, Barilli and Bonito Oliva. His international artistic relationships with the American conceptuals Lewitt, Kosuth and Barry date back to 1969.